The space of the world wide web has already begun to turn not just into an instrument, but also into its cultural world, with its slang and stable expressions.

Moreover, this culture is actively merging into the real language, and now many words specific to the worldwide web are used outside its territory.

For example, such a term as life hack can be seen not only on forums and chats but also heard in the conversation of many young people. “Hack my life” is popular show with a lot of useful ideas for life.

What is a life hack

The term life hack is formed from a combination of two words: life, translated as life, and hacking, translated as hacking, cunning. In other words, they help to find a way out of standard life situations with less expenditure of resources and efforts. Life hacks can also be called various interesting and simple recipes for delicious dishes.

One of the most famous examples is a cupcake in a cup and microwave, a picture with text that the entire Internet found out about in the blink of an eye.

Why is this needed?

The answer to this question is quite obvious – to make it easier to use things already common for a person. Most often, life hacks are useful and simple tips that are easy to apply in life. Many of them help to more effectively clean the dirt from the dishes, give recommendations for creating containers for food, consuming vegetables, cleaning them, and much more. By following many of these tips, life becomes easier.

Who is a life hacker

Imagine that you love to cook, especially various dishes with pasta and spaghetti. However, sometimes the pasta falls out of the pack or spills out when you take it out.

And then it occurs to you to put them in a Pringle’s chip bag. And, as it turned out, pasta is perfect for them! You post this advice on the Internet – and now you automatically become a life hacker.

Simply put, this is a person who develops life hacks, looks for interesting ways to solve problems, writes them down, and puts them on the Internet.

They usually also combine their activities with regular blogging and publishing interesting news from life. Any Internet user can become a life hacker – it is enough to have a rich imagination and creativity.

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that tell you how to “hack this life.” Here are just a few of them:,, HackCollege.

There are a lot of bloggers who create content for the office workers with an endless array of ideas. The main aim is to create better and happier life. People can track their sleep habits with motion-sensitive apps and so on to keep healthy lifestyle.

The life hack is the reflection of the need of the person in the conditions of modern society. This is real solution to get some freedom from endless work.
